Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Endometriosis? What IS that?

Those were my exact words. That was the result of my surgery. She found endometriosis in there. She was able to burn off what she could see, but I am still having pain, so there must be more in there somewhere. Bad news is, there is not a cure for it. There are things you can do to keep it from growing as fast as it would normally, but as far as getting rid of it, there is nothing. So I basically live as normally as possible and take pain pills when I need to. The past 7 months of horrible weeks, then better weeks, then another horrible week, is going to forever be the norm. I can't help but be frustrated with this. I was trying to train for a half marathon last fall and that was put on hold because of the pain. Now that this is not something I can get rid of, I may never be able to run a half or another full marathon again. That makes me sad. I found something I enjoy and I can use to destress and I am now limited in it. At least it started after I got one marathon under my belt. That, I am thankful for. But what about the future? What if I am at Disney World with my family and I can't walk and enjoy that time because I am in pain. All these things are going through my head and I feel so down. I am on a treatment plan to keep it from growing so hopefully that will help. We shall see.
I just have to remind myself everyday that this is all part of the plan. God is using me with this and I just have to trust Him.